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Requirement Analysis

User Requirements

In order to develop a task management system that meets the needs of its users, it's essential to gather comprehensive user requirements. This section outlines the specific user requirements identified for the task management system project.

User Profile Management

  • Users should be able to create a profile with their personal information, including name, email, & profile picture.
  • Users should have the ability to edit their profile information & update it as needed.

Task Creation & Management

  • Users should be able to create new tasks with detailed descriptions, due dates, priority levels, & assigned team members.
  • Users should have access to a dashboard displaying all tasks assigned to them, sorted by priority & due date.
  • Users should be able to update the status of tasks, mark them as completed, & add comments or attachments to provide updates & collaborate with team members.

Collaboration & Communication

  • Users should be able to comment on tasks, ask questions, & provide feedback to other team members.
  • Users should receive notifications when there are updates or changes to tasks they are involved in, allowing them to stay informed & respond promptly.

Customize & Personalization

  • Users should have the ability to customize their task management dashboard, rearranging widgets & adding shortcuts to frequently accessed features.
  • Users should be able to set their notification preferences, choosing how & when they receive notifications about task updates & reminders.

Reporting & Analytics

  • Users should be able to generate reports & view analytics on task completion rates, team productivity, & performance metrics.
  • Users should have access to visualizations & charts that help them assess progress & identify areas for improvement.

These user requirements capture the key features & functionalities that users expect from the task management system. They will serve as the foundation for the system design & development process, ensuring that the final product meets user needs & expectations.

Stakeholder Requirements

This section outlines the specific requirements identified from key stakeholders involved in the project.

Managers & Team Leads

  • Managers & team leads need the ability to create & assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, & track task completion.
  • They require a centralized platform for team communication, including features such as task comments, file sharing, & real-time notifications.

End Users

  • End users expect an intuitive interface with easy navigation & minimal learning curve for efficient task management.
  • They need the flexibility to customize their task views & notification preferences according to their workflow preferences.

Functional Requirements

User Authentication & Authorization

  • The system shall provide secure user authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the system.
  • Users shall be able to log in using their credentials (username & password) or alternative authentication methods such as single sign-on (SSO).
  • User roles & permissions shall be defined to control access to system functionalities & data based on user roles (e.g., administrator, manager, team member).


  • Users shall be able to create new tasks with details such as title, description, due date, priority, & assigned team members.
  • The system shall support task assignment to individual users or groups, allowing managers to delegate tasks efficiently.
  • Users shall have the ability to update task status, mark tasks as complete, & set reminders or notifications for upcoming deadlines.

Task Collaboration & Communication

  • The system shall facilitate collaboration among team members by providing features for task comments, discussions, & file attachments.
  • Users shall be notified of any updates or changes to tasks they are involved in, ensuring timely communication & collaboration.
  • The system shall maintain a centralized record of task-related communication & interactions for reference & auditing purposes.

Dashboard & Reporting

  • The system shall provide a customizable dashboard for users to view their tasks, upcoming deadlines, & project progress at a glance.
  • Managers & stakeholders shall have access to detailed reports & analytics on task completion rates, team productivity, & project performance metrics.
  • Reports shall be exportable in various formats (e.g., PDF, CSV) for sharing & analysis purposes.

Integration & Compatibility

  • The system shall integrate seamlessly with third-party tools & services commonly used in project management & collaboration, such as email clients, calendar applications, & document management systems.
  • The system shall be compatible with multiple web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) & devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones) to ensure accessibility & usability for all users.

Non-Functional Requirements


  • The system shall respond to user interactions within 2 seconds under normal load conditions.
  • It shall support a minimum of 100 concurrent users without significant performance degradation.


  • The system shall have an uptime of at least 99.9% over a 30-day period, excluding scheduled maintenance.
  • It shall provide automatic data backup and disaster recovery mechanisms to ensure data integrity and availability.


  • The system shall implement industry-standard encryption protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS) to secure data transmission over the network.
  • User passwords shall be stored securely using cryptographic hashing algorithms to prevent unauthorized access.


  • The system architecture shall be designed to scale horizontally to accommodate increasing user loads.
  • It shall support dynamic provisioning of resources to handle spikes in user activity without performance degradation.


  • The system shall provide clear and intuitive user interfaces with consistent navigation and layout across all modules.
  • It shall support accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) to ensure usability for users with disabilities.


  • The system shall be compatible with modern web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
  • It shall support responsive design principles to ensure optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.


  • The system shall be modular and well-documented, allowing for ease of maintenance and future enhancements.
  • It shall adhere to coding standards and best practices to facilitate code readability and maintainability.


  • The system shall support interoperability with existing enterprise systems and databases through standard APIs and data exchange formats.
  • It shall integrate seamlessly with external services and tools commonly used in project management and collaboration.